just saw someone talk about how “consistency” in someone’s way of dressing is what makes an icon. aligns with uniform dressing ethos ur presenting here imo!

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I like your take on the merge of swag and uniform, I think this kind of thing is really present in brands like NOCTA and Corteiz that merge individualism and collectivism in clever ways.

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Right?! Its really interesting to see how ‘swag’ has become a part of culture and is a self-identifying uniform of sorts for different fashion collectives (and brands) across the globe, a nice mix of individual fashion identities merged with that community swag spirit

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It's funny - swag is a word I identify so much with Odd Future and that era of hip hop, where Supreme acted as the uniform amongst that crew. That was also a great example of individual fashion identities (i.e. Tyler, Earl) merged to create a community

swag spirit (amongst the rest of OF) - even birthing the Golf Wang label.

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Couldn’t agree more, I love how that era of hip hop birthed swag which led to a fashion community of likeminded collectives (even though these communities were so much more than that). Swag spirit is very much where its at, but I think its getting updates and refreshed as new fashion codes come about – especially TikTokers and the rise of online influence etc

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I definitely think that consistency and uniformity go hand in hand when it comes to getting dressed, you can’t do one without the other! I wonder who the most ‘uniform’ icons are?

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